Placenta Encapsulation/
Placenta encapsulation is becoming more and more common. Quite simply, the placenta is amazing. I’m so happy to offer informative guidance and resources about your choices to help you make your decision. During pregnancy, the placenta nurtures a baby in the womb providing nutrition, oxygen, endocrine, and immune system support.
It gives nutrients to your sweet baby, fights against infections, and provides hormones to support a healthy pregnancy. Near the end of pregnancy, the placenta passes antibodies from the birth person to the baby, providing immunity for about three months after birth. The placenta can further continue its nourishing role as a nutritional supplement beyond the womb.
For thousands and thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has accepted the placenta as a powerful and necessary part of the postpartum healing process. The placenta is full of Qi, life energy, which supports postpartum wellness by replenishing your system with natural iron and protein and helps reintroduce these essential hormones back into your system.
What’s Involved?
Here are some of the known essentials that give the placenta its healing properties...
Gonadotropin - the precursor to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
Prolactin - promotes lactation for breastfeeding
Oxytocin (also known as ‘the love hormone’) - produced during breastfeeding and promotes the bonding of mother and infant
Interferon - stimulates the immune system to protect against infection
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - boosts energy and helps recover from stress
Cortisone - combats stress and unlocks stores of energy
Prostaglandins - anti-inflammatory
Hemoglobin - replenishes iron deficiency and anemia
Gamma Globulin - immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections
Urokinase Inhibiting Factor & Factor XIII - stops bleeding and enhances wound healing
Most would ask “What is a tincture and how can a placenta tincture help me?”. Guess what? I am going to tell you! Placenta Tincture is made from a small snippet of the birthing person’s own raw placenta after birth, steeping in alcohol making a strong remedy over 6 weeks.
Many birthing persons like to have their placenta tincture on hand for times of big change or emotional stress. Often we hear that the birthers use their tincture to feel more balanced when their first menstrual cycle returns, or as they wean from breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Some birthers use it when they are feeling run down and depleted after months of less than optimal sleep (hello, sleep regressions!) or even many years later to help with menopause.
Taking your tincture is easy peezy. You may choose to place a few drops directly in your mouth. Or if that doesn't sound too appetizing, you can put a few drops in a glass of water, orange juice, or my personal favorite - tea. You won't taste a thing.