Lemme Oil You Down

Lemme oil you downnnnnn.. Even if it’s just one night.


Or whatever Ready For The World said.

Do you like essential oils? I love them. Especially peppermint. What is that commercial that says “I put that shit on everything”. You remember? I can’t think of it right now. If you find out let me know but that is how I feel about peppermint oil. As a matter of fact, It’s on that “Must Haves” list I shared with you.  But anyway… yes. Pregnancy is stressful as hell but I promise, essential oils have so many natural healing and calming benefits. It’s perfect to use during pregnancy.

There’s an entire list that I made just for you. Now ALL essential oils aren’t safe to use. So, always make sure you exercise caution and consult your medical provider before using any oil during your pregnancy, okay?

Here is a lil list to get you started.

  • Oils that helps morning sickness/nausea

    • Cardamom

    • Ginger

    • Peppermint (not during breastfeeding)

  • Oils that relaxes, calms, and help you get some fye ass sleep

    • Frankincense

    • German or Roman Chamomile

    • Lavender

    • Neroli

    • Petitgrain

    • Rose or Rosewood

  • Oils that uplift your mood

    • Geranium

    • Lemon

    • Patchouli

    • Sandalwood

    • Wild Orange

Now these these oils you want to avoid during the course of your pregnancy:

  • Aniseed

  • Basil

  • Birch

  • Camphor

  • Clary Sage

  • Hyssop

  • Mugwort

  • Oak Moss

  • Parsley Seed or Leaf

  • Pennyroyal

  • Rosemary

  • Rue

  • Sage

  • Tansy

  • Tarragon

  • Thuja

  • Thyme

  • Wintergreen

  • Wormwood

Now listen, don’t take your ass in that doctor’s office telling your doctor that I told you to use this and that for this and that. Ask them first. I’m being funny but I am serious, Village. Every pregnancy has its own unique symptoms and risk factors. Go over the list with them and let me know how it goes.


Your Doula


Flewed Out ; Traveling with Your Baby


Girl… and?! ; Birth Shaming